In part 1 of this series - what is the Core self? we look at the journey we take from the normal adult self that is not yet transparent to the energies of the Core Self, and how we begin to release in to being increasingly compassionate loving adults open to our more expansive truth, presence and guidance.
In this post, we discuss what happens to us and all of the advantages and benefits that open up as we follow this path:
Present time powerful adult- Since the adult is not invested in protecting against past pain and hurt, this is an authentically powerful state of being in the present time as an adult, We develop the ability to see through events, circumstances and patterns that might have triggered us in to acting or being reactive earlier. We know we are able to call on the presence and power of something that is greater than us, in a way that is inclusive rather than separative.
Fun and Playfulness of child - When we live from and as the Core Self, the adult is able to naturally step aside and be vigilant on behalf of the Inner child. As a result we are more open to innocent playfulness and to more fun. As your child within feels safe it can show you how to create a lot of magic, spontaneity and joy on your path, and to play with and as the energies of the Core self. We can relax on our sense of seriousness and play again,
Inner guidance on tap- Omniscience, true vision and intuition are all qualities of the Core self, that we can learn to access, increasingly on our path as we evolve. We have access to true guidance, from a place of stepping aside our insistence of already knowing it all, to opening to the quiet voice within, and to guidance and knowing from our higher realms of intelligence. More here.
Synchronicity- Life unfolds as if from a place of deep synchronicity and magic. Events and circumstances transpire that while aligned with our visions and dreams, seem to happen without much if any conscious effort on our part. Synchronicity becomes more and more a natural part of our daily life, in a way that we can trust that life is for us, and we can depend on its assistance both on a moment by moment and even a constant basis.
Peace- We are constantly guided to remain anchored or connected to deeper states of peace, no matter what is unfolding around us or within our lives. As the normal adult self relaxes and recognizes a larger presence that is the Core Self, everything that previously might have been a big deal, caused us to go in to drama, and or to grasping on to external or identity based reference points and needing external stimulation, gradually starts to become less attractive. We learn to enjoy and make friends with peace again. We can access and remain connected to peaceful and expansive and open heart states, even as we deeply feel all of life's currents, and as we respond to its needs.
Sense of natural Abundance- The Core self is naturally abundant, and as we rest in this place, we learn to see ourselves as the creators and cause of all we experience, we release ideas of scarcity, and learn to trust in life's abundance, and in our ability to meet outer circumstances from a knowing of inner abundance. The more we return and rest in this natural abundance that is the Core self, the more we are able to activate natural synchronicity , miracles and have all our needs met and more. We live from sufficiency, and can thrive again.
It merely takes willingness to engage with a few simple steps I have touched on in Part 1 and will elaborate on in Part 3, in my experience, that allows us to step over in to the passenger seat of the vehicle that is your Core Self with trust, while feeling at ease and safe, Is a learning process, moment by moment and day by day, and you can honor any parts that are resisting, scared, or wanting to pull away in to the ingrained patterns, with love. The rewards are wonderful.
In this post, we discuss what happens to us and all of the advantages and benefits that open up as we follow this path:
Present time powerful adult- Since the adult is not invested in protecting against past pain and hurt, this is an authentically powerful state of being in the present time as an adult, We develop the ability to see through events, circumstances and patterns that might have triggered us in to acting or being reactive earlier. We know we are able to call on the presence and power of something that is greater than us, in a way that is inclusive rather than separative.
Fun and Playfulness of child - When we live from and as the Core Self, the adult is able to naturally step aside and be vigilant on behalf of the Inner child. As a result we are more open to innocent playfulness and to more fun. As your child within feels safe it can show you how to create a lot of magic, spontaneity and joy on your path, and to play with and as the energies of the Core self. We can relax on our sense of seriousness and play again,
Inner guidance on tap- Omniscience, true vision and intuition are all qualities of the Core self, that we can learn to access, increasingly on our path as we evolve. We have access to true guidance, from a place of stepping aside our insistence of already knowing it all, to opening to the quiet voice within, and to guidance and knowing from our higher realms of intelligence. More here.
Synchronicity- Life unfolds as if from a place of deep synchronicity and magic. Events and circumstances transpire that while aligned with our visions and dreams, seem to happen without much if any conscious effort on our part. Synchronicity becomes more and more a natural part of our daily life, in a way that we can trust that life is for us, and we can depend on its assistance both on a moment by moment and even a constant basis.
Peace- We are constantly guided to remain anchored or connected to deeper states of peace, no matter what is unfolding around us or within our lives. As the normal adult self relaxes and recognizes a larger presence that is the Core Self, everything that previously might have been a big deal, caused us to go in to drama, and or to grasping on to external or identity based reference points and needing external stimulation, gradually starts to become less attractive. We learn to enjoy and make friends with peace again. We can access and remain connected to peaceful and expansive and open heart states, even as we deeply feel all of life's currents, and as we respond to its needs.
Sense of natural Abundance- The Core self is naturally abundant, and as we rest in this place, we learn to see ourselves as the creators and cause of all we experience, we release ideas of scarcity, and learn to trust in life's abundance, and in our ability to meet outer circumstances from a knowing of inner abundance. The more we return and rest in this natural abundance that is the Core self, the more we are able to activate natural synchronicity , miracles and have all our needs met and more. We live from sufficiency, and can thrive again.
It merely takes willingness to engage with a few simple steps I have touched on in Part 1 and will elaborate on in Part 3, in my experience, that allows us to step over in to the passenger seat of the vehicle that is your Core Self with trust, while feeling at ease and safe, Is a learning process, moment by moment and day by day, and you can honor any parts that are resisting, scared, or wanting to pull away in to the ingrained patterns, with love. The rewards are wonderful.