Release Problem States and Empower yourself with Hypnotherapy
If you have an emotional or psychological problem, a habit you just can’t change or simply want to feel better about yourself, higher self hypnotherapy /nlp can help you make the desired change, no matter how entrenched the condition. It’s an enjoyable and a perfectly safe and natural way to use your inner resources, to reorganize your thoughts and behaviors to bring about beneficial change
For example, Hypnotherapy offers powerful means to develop mindfulness in relationships and to erase negative emotional triggers and associations that create trouble even when our best intention is to be loving and joyful.
Most of us would be shocked to learn how much self-doubting and self-attacking inner dialogue was going on inside our minds. With hypnotherapy you can become aware of these "toxic tapes" and replace them with inner tapes that consciously encourage and inspire you to make your best efforts on your own behalf and in your relationships with others.
A transpersonal approach also helps release all the areas where you might have previously experienced hurt and pain, as a way to help you access the intuition and wisdom of your Inner/Higher self. As a result the problem states you might want help with are allowed to simply fall away, primarily through gaining insight and awakening to your own power
Hypnotherapy can be used to used to trigger positive changes in any area of your life including health, wealth, performance, relationships, emotions and habits. Specific areas include:
Releasing Stress and Anxiety
Changing/ Releasing Addictive Habits Healing and Improving Relationships Enhancing Physical Healing, Energy Self Love /Positive Self Image Quit Smoking |
Releasing your Potential
Creating your Vision Public Speaking Confidence Sleeping better Strengthening your Will |
What to expect in your session?
You will be exploring issues, in a way that helps you change perspective, and will be gently challenged and supported through the process. The sessions are enjoyable and fun, although the process can sometimes be raw and bring up challenges and strong resistance from parts that are reflective of the hurt child present within each of us. In the process you will enjoy significant expansion, growth and will be opening your heart energy as well as learning to release any constricting patterns within yourself in a whole new way.
The sessions are partly conversational. You will be experiencing energy and emotional clearing work happening through the process of exploring the specific life issues that are the focus of that session. Spontaneous trance states are evoked. Further, a formal trance induction phase may be a part of the session when you will be guided to experience deep relaxation. You will gain access to deeper resources and potentials that allow healing to take place as well as make space for new learnings and empowered responses and suggestions to be received by your deeper or subconscious mind.
The goal is to help you develop your natural capacity to evoke and to be present with your own creative power. You’ll learn how to listen to that power, explore it, and be willing to be surprised by it. In the process, you’ll experience the absolute conviction that you have within you everything you need to be healed and happy.
To schedule an appointment for a Hypnotherapy session call 020 75852076 or Contact here
The sessions are partly conversational. You will be experiencing energy and emotional clearing work happening through the process of exploring the specific life issues that are the focus of that session. Spontaneous trance states are evoked. Further, a formal trance induction phase may be a part of the session when you will be guided to experience deep relaxation. You will gain access to deeper resources and potentials that allow healing to take place as well as make space for new learnings and empowered responses and suggestions to be received by your deeper or subconscious mind.
The goal is to help you develop your natural capacity to evoke and to be present with your own creative power. You’ll learn how to listen to that power, explore it, and be willing to be surprised by it. In the process, you’ll experience the absolute conviction that you have within you everything you need to be healed and happy.
To schedule an appointment for a Hypnotherapy session call 020 75852076 or Contact here