Thinking Abundantly! - Resources to uplift your prosperity vibration

We have long been operating on this planet from a frequency of lack, or of believing we do not have enough of the money, resources and support we need. This ingrained belief has very little to do with how much money we have or do not have. Even wealthy millionaires feel they do not have enough, and will only feel they have enough when they become billionaires!
The truth is that our security and our abundance and our treasures are all within us, all it takes is to recognise the natural abundance that is all that is both the very essence of who we are and that is all around us, and to know we have the ability to create what we need when we need it.
On this page I share a few resources that will help if you feel abundance challenged and need your mindset to undergo a prosperity uplift,
Question beliefs
Do you operate from a mindset of not enough? If so, have you questioned where does this belief originates from. Is it true?
Or is it simply a part of your mind that is conditioned to believing that something is lacking to be true. And if we believe something to be true, the Universe will demonstrate that belief to us readily and impartially, You are an unlimited being and have everything you need within you.
Who you are is enough, often this belief stems from times when we did not receive love when we were growing up, no matter how much we were actually loved, and the child equated the disconnect from love with the belief that he or she is not enough. This belief is not changed by changing the amount of money or abundance we actually have, but by questioning and giving love to the parts that feel they are not enough. To knowing they are more then enough.
You can similarly question and release any beliefs of lack of deservingness and or worthiness to receive everything that you desire and serves your higher good, I encourage you to question and change these beliefs.
Shift to Gratitude
Gratitude is one of the most powerful frequencies for attracting more of what you want. Since we create from our dominant thought or thoughts we hold in our subconscious mind, and the mind is resistant to change. gratitude is a gentler way of changing the dominant thought held to one of having,
Start with gratitude for what you have, notice how much you truly have already, then expand to gratitude for what you now wish to create and see more of in your life, expecting it to be on its way.
Since you create in the now, if you had what you wanted now, what emotion would you be expressing ? Gratitude. Combine gratitude with affirmative prayer and you will be surprised at how quickly you are able to change your state and outer circumstance. Change does not take time.
I give thanks for the quick and immediate solution to this situation now.
In the perfect mind of the Universe, prosperity is already mind, and I am grateful.
To Tune in to the frequency of Money/ abundance and increase this flow-
You don't get what you want or what you think about as much as 'You get what you are',' Meaning your subconscious will always manifest exactly what you believe you have in the moment and are resonating from. Keep your resonance and your words positive and affirmative of what you want at all times. Clear any discordant thoughts or energies as soon as they arise, so you can return to a more relaxed state and playful or less intense state and lift in to gratitude.
Abundance Affirmation and Prayers
Alignment with Spirit
Spirit prospers everything I do, increases every good I possess, and brings success and abundance into my life. Everything I think about and do is animated by the divine Presence, sustained by the universal Power, and multiplied by infinite Goodness. Recognizing Spirit as the center and source of all that exists, I consciously unite with it, proclaiming its presence and activity in all my affairs. Every desire of my heart is now fulfilled, and I am bountifully prospered in all that I do.
(World ministry of prayer)
Alignment with Multidimensional Self
I believe i am one with Source. I trust myself as a creator being and I am one with my creations. I am aligned with the infinite therefore everything is available to me. Instant manifestation is safe. Instant manifestation is safe and governed by the laws of Cosmic and Divine Balance. I am a spark of the divine, a coherent energy pattern drawing to me the perfect circumstances, individuals, prospects, opportunities and resources. My soul is joy.
Are you ready to claim your Divine Birthright of Prosperity consciousness and always have what you need as you need it?
The prosperity mindset is one we grow in to by conscious intention, learning, overcoming subconscious resistance and questioning ingrained habits of thinking and growing in to faith, so that the natural flow of magic and miracles increasingly becomes second nature to us.
For a methodical transformation of your paradigm around abundance and wealth, I also highly recommend the work of Marilyn Jennet of , Marilyn offers both a grounded or practical and a metaphysical program that creates wonderful results. Do check out her work.
or Contact me: [email protected] or call on 020 75852076 to set up a consultation or schedule a session.
We have long been operating on this planet from a frequency of lack, or of believing we do not have enough of the money, resources and support we need. This ingrained belief has very little to do with how much money we have or do not have. Even wealthy millionaires feel they do not have enough, and will only feel they have enough when they become billionaires!
The truth is that our security and our abundance and our treasures are all within us, all it takes is to recognise the natural abundance that is all that is both the very essence of who we are and that is all around us, and to know we have the ability to create what we need when we need it.
On this page I share a few resources that will help if you feel abundance challenged and need your mindset to undergo a prosperity uplift,
Question beliefs
Do you operate from a mindset of not enough? If so, have you questioned where does this belief originates from. Is it true?
Or is it simply a part of your mind that is conditioned to believing that something is lacking to be true. And if we believe something to be true, the Universe will demonstrate that belief to us readily and impartially, You are an unlimited being and have everything you need within you.
Who you are is enough, often this belief stems from times when we did not receive love when we were growing up, no matter how much we were actually loved, and the child equated the disconnect from love with the belief that he or she is not enough. This belief is not changed by changing the amount of money or abundance we actually have, but by questioning and giving love to the parts that feel they are not enough. To knowing they are more then enough.
You can similarly question and release any beliefs of lack of deservingness and or worthiness to receive everything that you desire and serves your higher good, I encourage you to question and change these beliefs.
Shift to Gratitude
Gratitude is one of the most powerful frequencies for attracting more of what you want. Since we create from our dominant thought or thoughts we hold in our subconscious mind, and the mind is resistant to change. gratitude is a gentler way of changing the dominant thought held to one of having,
Start with gratitude for what you have, notice how much you truly have already, then expand to gratitude for what you now wish to create and see more of in your life, expecting it to be on its way.
Since you create in the now, if you had what you wanted now, what emotion would you be expressing ? Gratitude. Combine gratitude with affirmative prayer and you will be surprised at how quickly you are able to change your state and outer circumstance. Change does not take time.
I give thanks for the quick and immediate solution to this situation now.
In the perfect mind of the Universe, prosperity is already mind, and I am grateful.
To Tune in to the frequency of Money/ abundance and increase this flow-
- Release energetic blocks and question beliefs as above
- Develop a positive subconscious mindset, watch what you are affirming and giving your faith to,
- Using visualisation strategies that feel real for you
- Listen in to your guidance and Channel something specific in your direction.
You don't get what you want or what you think about as much as 'You get what you are',' Meaning your subconscious will always manifest exactly what you believe you have in the moment and are resonating from. Keep your resonance and your words positive and affirmative of what you want at all times. Clear any discordant thoughts or energies as soon as they arise, so you can return to a more relaxed state and playful or less intense state and lift in to gratitude.
Abundance Affirmation and Prayers
Alignment with Spirit
Spirit prospers everything I do, increases every good I possess, and brings success and abundance into my life. Everything I think about and do is animated by the divine Presence, sustained by the universal Power, and multiplied by infinite Goodness. Recognizing Spirit as the center and source of all that exists, I consciously unite with it, proclaiming its presence and activity in all my affairs. Every desire of my heart is now fulfilled, and I am bountifully prospered in all that I do.
(World ministry of prayer)
Alignment with Multidimensional Self
I believe i am one with Source. I trust myself as a creator being and I am one with my creations. I am aligned with the infinite therefore everything is available to me. Instant manifestation is safe. Instant manifestation is safe and governed by the laws of Cosmic and Divine Balance. I am a spark of the divine, a coherent energy pattern drawing to me the perfect circumstances, individuals, prospects, opportunities and resources. My soul is joy.
Are you ready to claim your Divine Birthright of Prosperity consciousness and always have what you need as you need it?
The prosperity mindset is one we grow in to by conscious intention, learning, overcoming subconscious resistance and questioning ingrained habits of thinking and growing in to faith, so that the natural flow of magic and miracles increasingly becomes second nature to us.
For a methodical transformation of your paradigm around abundance and wealth, I also highly recommend the work of Marilyn Jennet of , Marilyn offers both a grounded or practical and a metaphysical program that creates wonderful results. Do check out her work.
or Contact me: [email protected] or call on 020 75852076 to set up a consultation or schedule a session.